The Attorney's Pregnant Lover Read online

Page 7

  Corinne sighed deeply and took another drink of her coffee. Meghan followed suit.

  “Months and months went by and he still wouldn't make up his mind. I was about to graduate and he had already begun working at a law firm and I felt it was the right time to settle into our life together. However, that didn't seem to be what he wanted. I ended up meeting a man one day while I was in the library writing my thesis.”

  Meghan knew what was coming and Colton's lifestyle was all beginning to make sense to her.

  “I started seeing this guy. I never broke up with Colton as I always hoped in the back of my mind that he would finally be able to commit. But, I was lonely and this guy gave me everything I wasn't getting from Colton. It wasn't long before I fell truly and deeply in love with him and I broke things off with Colton.”

  “What happened to that guy?”

  “I married him.” She smiled brightly.

  “The man you are with now?” Meghan asked with surprise.

  “Yes, I wasn't lying when I said I was very happily married. After I left Colton, I never looked back. I had found a man that gave me everything I ever wanted. Everything that I had wanted from Colton, but never got.”

  “And Colton?”

  “And Colton never dated another girl after me. Never again. He saw my betrayal as more proof that love didn't exist. It didn’t matter to him that he had refused me at every corner. He believed I should have stuck by him no matter what.”

  “That was what, almost twenty years ago? What makes you think he is still the same guy today?”

  “He hasn't had another relationship since me, until now of course, and yet you guys have hardly been together as long as he and I were.”

  “Still...” Meghan said not willing to let hope die.

  “Meghan, I know some of his ex-flings, a few of them he dated for a few months and it was always the same pattern. He promised them the world, telling them that they had changed him. And don't get me wrong he's not lying; I truly believe that he wants to change and really feels he is in love. But the doubt always takes over. It doesn't seem to matter that he has promised all these girls the world. He always leaves eventually. He can't handle commitment, and he isn't willing to risk getting hurt over anyone. Now, I really do need to return to work. There isn't any more I can tell you.”

  Meghan nodded looking down into her cup of coffee.


  She looked up to face Corinne and saw true kindness there. “Yes?”

  “If it's any consolation, I really hope I'm wrong. I loved Colton very much once upon a time and I would love nothing better than to see him settle down and finally be happy. To believe that love does in fact exist, I want that very much for him. You seem like a nice person. I really hope that he is ready to settle down. I was too young to comprehend what was going on with him and I made many mistakes. Maybe now that you have this knowledge, you will be able to handle it.”

  All Meghan could do was nod.

  “Please enjoy your stay here. But I don't want to have any further run-ins with you if that's okay.”

  “Yes, I understand. Thank you for sitting with me and explaining.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Corinne left the table to start her shift for the day. Meghan sat there for what truly felt like forever. She was immobile, unable to get herself up out of the chair. Her legs wouldn't move and she had no will to get up. The server returned and refilled her cup. She sat there and sipped trying to process what she had heard. She was absolutely terrified about going upstairs and facing Colton. He would know right away that something was terribly wrong and she wasn't sure she could talk to him just yet. There was way too much swirling around in her head at the moment. She had very concrete fears about the future and she had no idea at that point whether she would be facing the changes that were now evident for her future alone.

  It wasn't simply her new business. There were so much more that she hadn't considered before, and she wasn't sure she could handle it without him. What if he left her? It seemed that he had promised so many other women the same things he had promised her, and where were they?

  Meghan finally got up from the chair and left the restaurant. She considered for a moment walking out of the hotel and leaving immediately to return home. She felt ill and it scared her all over again. She headed out the lobby doors and the heat of the morning hit her. She headed down the street, unsure of what to do next. She shook with the knowledge of what Corinne told her, and was scared for her future. The one thing that she did know was that she would never regret loving Colton or the time she had spent with him.

  Meghan continued to walk the city in a daze. She wasn't sure how long she was gone until her phone started ringing. She glanced down to see Colton's name and knew he must be terribly worried about her. Meghan started to walk back towards the hotel. If she had to leave, she would leave properly after speaking with Colton and packing her things.

  She entered the hotel once again and passed Corinne in the lobby, refusing to acknowledge the pained look on the woman’s face. She most certainly regretted telling Meghan what she knew. Meghan walked to the elevator in a fog and travelled up to their room. Checking her phone, she realized that she had been gone for almost four hours. Colton was probably going crazy trying to find her at this point.

  She walked into their room and found him sitting at the desk on the phone. He immediately hung up and went over to her. He hugged her tight and she melted into him. He had a hard time letting her go, and when he did, he kissed her forehead and then her lips. Fear filled his eyes and he looked into hers trying to read her expression.

  “Meghan, where have you been? I came back here with coffee and you were gone and you have been gone for hours. Why didn't you leave me a note so I would know where you were?”

  He was so worried about her and she felt terrible knowing where she had been. She spotted the Starbucks cups on his desk, the breakfast grown cold by her absence. He hadn't even bothered to eat, or finish his coffee.

  “You never left me a note either, Colton. I woke up and you were gone. I looked everywhere.”

  “I went for coffee. I would have left you a note but I thought for sure you would still be sleeping when I returned. Or, at least, still in the room when I returned. It never occurred to me that you would leave the room that early. Why did you?”

  “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you, I had somewhere to be.”

  “Where? Where did you need to be while we are on vacation? You aren't making any sense, Meghan.”

  She sighed deeply and looked him straight in the eyes. She might as well tell him, they couldn't go on like this as too much was at stake now.

  “I had a long talk with your ex-girlfriend. She said you have massive trust issues. She told me why you have these issues and she told me that regardless of what you promised me that we would never have a future; that you would never commit to me, trust me or love me. She told me it was only a matter of time before you would leave me.”

  Colton looked back at her shock registering on his face. He sat down on their bed and took a deep breath. He put his face in his hands and groaned.

  “She told you about my parents? About how she cheated on me?”

  Meghan nodded. Her heart filled with pain for him and she felt terrible for having to tell him like this. He motioned for her to come and sit beside him. She did as she was told and sat there waiting. He kissed her softly on the lips and looked at her with love in his eyes.

  “Why didn't you tell me, Colton, why did I have to hear it from her?”

  “Give me some credit here, Meghan, we haven't been together that long. It took me a year to tell Corinne. I would have told you.”

  “I'm so scared. I don't know what to think, and I don't know who to trust. While I realize that you have trust issues, you must understand that so do I. You know my history, while yours seems to keep popping up in unexpected places.”

  “Meghan, my relationship with Corinne
was a very long time ago. There is some truth to the things she said, but that was also a very different time and a lot has changed for me since then. I will tell you this, our relationship is different and our future will be different. I've never felt this way before. I have never felt anything like this before, not even with Corinne. I’m not going anywhere. That much I can promise you.”

  Meghan looked in his eyes searching for the truth. Wanting to believe everything he told her. He looked so sincere that she wanted to believe him. Meghan took a deep breath and let it all out.

  “Well then this should really surprise you. Colton, I think I'm pregnant.”


  “Colton, I took a home pregnancy test and I'm pregnant with your child.”

  Colton sat there, speechless. The very things he spent most of his adult life avoiding were suddenly crashing down on top of him and in thinking about it, he couldn’t be happier. Standing, he swooped Meghan up in a hug and swung her around whooping and laughing. Kissing her deeply, he hugged her tightly. “I’m going to be a father?” he asked, not quite sure he believed it.

  Hugging him back, Meghan laughed, “Yes, you’re going to be a father.”

  Laughing, he picked her up again and laid her on the bed, following her down. “Is it too early to start on a sibling,” he asked as he began nibbling along her neck.

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