The Billionaire's Virgin Secretary #1: Secrets Read online

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  He snapped out of his bubble when he realized Megan was asking him a question.

  “Where is your wedding band Jordan?”

  He could tell she was trying to hold back her anger but she wasn’t doing a good job of it. He looked down at his finger dumbly trying to remember the last time he saw it on his finger. He was completely at a loss.

  He looked back at Megan’s questioning look.

  “I must have taken it off before my shower this morning and forgot to put it back on.”

  “Since when has that ever happened?” she accused.

  “Megan relax it’s just at home, it’s not the end of the world.” It was then that he suddenly remembered Julie tossing it across one of the guest rooms at Jeff’s place.

  Well that should be an interesting thing to explain.How the hell am I going to get that back from Jeff’s now?

  Megan looked disgusted for the rest of their dinner.

  When they returned home later that night Megan disappeared into their bedroom while he made himself a drink. He had been mulling over how he was going to get his ring back when Megan walked into the kitchen. She was wearing a silk nightgown that draped her body perfectly. She walked up to Jordan and kissed him deeply. She put her hand against his cock and started to rub him. He couldn’t have been less interested in her at the moment and his cock wasn’t responding the way it usually did.

  “Darling, I’m sorry I’m too tired. I have had a long night and I just want to hit the sack.”

  She looked hurt and he couldn’t blame her. He couldn’t remember a time that he turned her down. He was never too tired to have sex, especially with someone that looked like Megan. He couldn’t remember the last time they had sex and that probably hurt Megan too.

  He kissed her on the forehead. “Some other time I promise.”

  He walked away from her and went to bed. That night they lay beside each other barely touching.


  Jordan stared at the ceiling in his office. He couldn’t remember feeling this good before. What a great day he was having, the best day he had all week. He looked down into his lap where Julie was servicing him. This girl was like taking heroin. She pleased him in any way he wanted it and she didn’t take no for an answer. He barely got his morning coffee in him when she started undoing his pants and performing oral on him. He could definitely get used to that. The tension inside was building up good, and he was just about to come when his office door swung open and Jeff walked in.

  “Hey man, I really need to get your approval on those shirts!” Jeff stopped short as Julie got up and tried to compose herself, wiping at her mouth. Jordan fumbled at his pants thankful that the desk was in the way of Jeff’s view.

  “Oh shit, sorry Jordan. I’ll get that form later.” With that he hurried out of the office closing the door behind him.

  You could have heard a pin drop in the room after Jeff left and then Jordan exploded. “You didn’t lock the door this time? Are you insane, or should I assume you want Megan to catch us?”

  Julie blushed a deep red and tears formed in her eyes. “I’m sorry Jordan I don’t know what I was thinking.”

  Jordan paced angrily around his office unsure of what to do at the moment.

  “Jordan, it’s ok. Jeff is your best friend it’s not like he is going to tell anyone.”

  “That’s not the point Julie. I didn’t exactly want my friend to know I was cheating on my wife.”

  He could tell his words stung her. He went over and kissed her on the lips. “I’m sorry baby; I didn’t mean it that way. This is just a very touchy situation.”

  She kissed him again lingering on his lips for a moment.

  “I need to go talk to Jeff ok. Hold down the fort while I’m gone.”

  He walked out of his office, cursing at his own stupidity. He got real lucky that time that the person that walked in his door was Jeff and not his wife. It would have been game over for sure. Jordan went to Jeff’s office to find it empty. Just great.

  He texted Jeff and told him to drop whatever he was doing and meet him for coffee. He gave an address and told him he would be there in 20 minutes. He left the building and went to his car.

  His phone rang and he assumed it was Jeff, “Where are you?”

  “I was about to ask you the same thing.”


  She laughed, “Yes, who else were you expecting?”

  “Oh sorry darling I thought Jeff was returning my call. What’s up?”

  “I just went to your office to see you and you weren’t there. Your secretary said you left.”

  Jordan did not like the idea of the two of them alone especially when Julie was upset.

  “She has a name Megan you don’t need to keep referring to her as ‘secretary’ all the time.” An eerie silence filled the line and he wondered if she had hung up.

  “Maybe we need to talk Jordan.”

  Jordan was pulling out into traffic, his mind frazzled. He was bound to kill someone if he carried on this conversation right then.

  “Oh Megan you have to be kidding me. About what, I’m so busy this week. I haven’t seen you in so long why we can’t enjoy each other before you leave again, I don’t know.”

  “Well I tried that last night but you weren’t interested.”

  He breathed a sigh of frustration. “I have a meeting with Jeff in a few minutes; I really need to go Megan. I would suggest dropping this whole thing. You are overreacting.”

  He hung up the phone and received a text from Jeff saying he would meet him. Jordan could not be more uncomfortable with the talk he was about to have with Jeff. He felt like things were starting to spin out of control. He was behind in work; for god’s sake he wasn’t even able to get a stupid form to Jeff about designs that would have prevented this whole discussion. He text Julie, and told her to submit approval for the new design and to put everything on Jeff’s desk. She responded right away that she would get the job done.

  He walked into the café he often frequented to get some peace and quiet. He sat in the back corner that was currently empty. A waitress came over and he ordered a black coffee as well as an espresso. He hadn’t had the chance to finish his coffee this morning and the thought brought a smile to his face. It didn’t last long however as Jeff walked in the door and headed towards him.

  He smiled sheepishly at Jordan and neither of them knew where to start.

  “Well I guess we know who Julie’s boyfriend is.”

  Jordan closed his eyes. When he opened them again he actually laughed.

  “Yeah, it’s me.”

  “How long has this been going on man? And why?”

  “Since the Christmas party and I don’t know. At first I just wanted to get in her pants, she was so hot. But it’s much more complicated than that now.”

  Jeff just stared at him. Jordan should feel ashamed but he was beyond that now.

  “I guess you probably want this back.” Jeff set Jordan’s wedding band on the table in front of them.

  Now shame came over Jordan. He felt like a complete idiot.

  “How long have you known?”

  “I’m not sure. I wasn’t even positive it was yours, and I hadn’t decided how to bring it up to you. But today changed everything, a real conversation starter that was, she must be very good.”

  “Don’t Jeff, seriously.”

  “Why are you doing this? What happened with Megan? The girl is stunning, yes she may act a little entitled at times but she worships the ground you walk on. Was that not enough?”

  “I love Megan. I don’t know what happened.” Jordan was at a loss for words, he had no idea how to explain his feelings. “This girl is perfect and I wasn’t looking for anything. With Megan gone, I don’t know I was bored I guess.”

  “Are you planning on leaving Megan for this girl?”

  “I don’t know. I honestly haven’t thought that far ahead. I really didn’t plan on it going past our first time together but Julie has been fuck
ing my brains out, I haven’t had a moment to think.”

  Jeff laughed, “Maybe that was her plan all along. Keep you distracted until you were too deep in.”

  Jordan hadn’t thought of that. If that had been her game plan she was brilliant because Jordan honestly couldn’t imagine how he would go on without being able to be inside her. She had completely seduced him.

  “You better figure out what you really want man because it’s not like she can stick around if you end it. It could end up going public either way depending on how pissed off you make her. “

  “Yes I know. I’m sorry Jeff; I certainly didn’t want to make you a part of this.”

  I get it man, it’s not like I didn’t want to bang Julie myself, I’m just surprised because many guys myself included would have killed to have a chance to spend their life with Megan. She’s pretty great.”

  Jordan looked down at his hands at a total loss for words. Maybe he was a complete idiot. Nothing that Jeff said was incorrect, Megan was amazing, and that’s why he married her. He just betrayed her in the most basic fashion for a girl that made his cock throb. The problem was he had gone too far, at this point he thought it might be possible that he loved Julie.

  “Do you love her?” It was like Jeff was reading his mind.

  “I don’t know. I guess I need to figure that out.”

  “Maybe stop fucking her for a bit and see how you feel.” They both laughed.

  “Just figure this out soon Jordan, I don’t want to have to lie to Megan. She’s been a friend of mine, too.”

  Jordan nodded. Jeff got up to leave never having ordered a coffee. Jordan finished his espresso and put his wedding band back on, the feeling of it now foreign to him.

  He decided to take the afternoon off and try to clear his head. He knew if he went back to the office Julie would be riding his cock in no time. Not a terrible thought of course but he was riding a thin line these days and he couldn’t risk anymore office drop-ins. Poor Julie had been having a rough couple of days first with Megan’s return and then Jeff walking in on her servicing him. He doubted she would be able to look Jeff in the eye for a while.

  He spent the afternoon shopping. He needed to start making up to a special girl of his. He picked up a diamond bracelet. He stopped at the lingerie store and picked out a blue number that he knew would bring out her eyes, not to mention it was sure to make him hard once she put it on. After that he went to a chocolatier and ordered some truffles he knew she would love. As he was walking to his car to put the items he purchased it occurred to him that he was purchasing them not for his wife who was angry at him, but for his mistress who had yet to forgive him.

  He called Megan just before his work day was completed to let her know he would not be home until later, he wanted to take one of the clients out to a hockey game and then have a few beers. She wished him a good night and said she had planned on turning in early anyways.

  He text Julie and told her to meet him at a hotel of his choosing and he sent her the address. He wanted to fuck her in a bed and he wanted to do it more than once. He could not resist.

  When she showed up she immediately melted in his arms. He knew she had been alarmed when he didn’t return to work after the altercation. She kissed him passionately and he felt himself grow hard. There she was bewitching him again with nothing more than a kiss. He pulled her over to the bed to present her with his many treasures.

  When she saw the bracelet she started crying. He loved how sweet she was about every little thing he did for her.

  “Jordan it’s absolutely beautiful, I will never take it off.” She unwrapped the chocolates and the lingerie and hurried into the bathroom to change. When she returned, he forgot his plan of eating dinner first and knew he had made the right choice. She came back to the bed and he helped lay her down.

  For the next hour, Jordan was inside of Julie. They both came to a climax, and he laid atop her spent. He rolled over and she nuzzled into him.

  They lay in bed still naked surrounded by room service plates and truffles. He was completely satisfied, full and elated by his orgasm. He was playfully fondling her breasts as they laid there and talked. Her breasts were beautiful and full.

  “We really need to take it easy at work Julie. We have had a few very close calls. I’m just not ready for Megan to know about us.”

  “Why? Don’t you want to be with me?”

  Jordan was a silent a moment. “To be honest Julie, I don’t know what I want. I didn’t expect this and I certainly don’t want to hurt Megan, she didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “What about me?”

  “I care a great deal about you Julie and I have a hard time picturing you not being a huge part of my life. But again I don’t know what to do with Megan.”

  “You can’t have us both.”

  “Would that be so bad? Having my cake and eating it too?”

  Julie started shaking her head confusion written all over her face but yet giving in to his touch.

  “I could set you up with a house, an allowance, you could choose to continue to work or not. But you would be very well taken care of and I could come fill you anytime you wanted. Bring you pretty things, kiss you, love you and fuck you daily.”

  “I want more Jordan, I want everything she has.”

  He frowned. “I don’t know if I can give you that.”

  Chapter 14

  Jordan helped make dinner with Megan the next evening. She could make a mean Chicken Parmesan and he used to love watching her work efficiently in the kitchen. They both didn’t cook often because they enjoyed going out so much and why shouldn’t they? They had so much money they really never had to cook another thing in their life. She did enjoy cooking however from back before they were rich so it was a treat when she did it. Jordan was shredding cheese when she came up to him and wrapped her arms around his waist and laying her head against his back.

  He suddenly felt terrible. He loved when she hugged him like that; it made him feel so powerful and protective of her. God, what had he done to their marriage? Sighing he stopped shredding the cheese and turned to her, hugging her back. He loved her and he wished that he hadn’t done something that would hurt her so much. Jeff had been right she was amazing and didn’t deserve to be treated this way. He had purchased all those things for Julie and never so much as thought of bringing flowers home for his wife who he had betrayed. He hadn’t bought her anything in so long, she must have noticed, she must be feeling neglected. He hadn’t been treating his pampered princess very well at all. This wasn’t Jordan, this behavior wasn’t who he was and he should really put a stop to it. She adored him and she deserved better than him. Should he leave her and let her find a better man, or should he stay and be that man that she deserved? He was so confused, but having her in his arms made things seem so simple to him.

  They finished cooking dinner together and met at the dining room table to eat. Megan opened a good bottle of wine and their dinner together was relaxing and wonderful as usual. They talked for over an hour about movies and books, something they hadn’t done in forever. These were the things he loved about her and the reasons why he had fallen in love with her. She completed him, they had a natural ease together and never longed for things to talk about. His wife was highly intelligent and it was one of her most attractive features.

  They retired o the living area after dinner and snuggled up on the couch together. Jordan had made a fire and they nuzzled each other. Megan turned to him and kissed him. He couldn’t deny her this after all he had done to her. He kissed her back deeply and she responded back with need. He undressed her slowly trying to memorize her body all over again. They continued to kiss and he pulled her panties down and tossed them to the side. He spread her legs and dipped down to lick her. She tasted familiar and her pussy moistened instantly from his touch. He licked her juices up and fingered her until she reached an orgasm. She rose then and pushed him backwards. Surprise crossed his face and he almost laughed he was so
shocked. She got up on top of him and impaled herself with his cock. He couldn’t remember the last time she had rode his cock but there she was above him moving slowly up and down her head thrust back in ecstasy. She was beautiful above him, her toned body moving flawlessly, her small breasts jiggling before him. She couldn’t have looked sexier than at that moment. She felt amazing and he watched her cum again as she grinded his cock slowly over and over again. It was very different from the sex he was used to have lately with Julie, but it was no less satisfying. The sight of her above him in full orgasm caused his own orgasm and he finished alongside her.

  She laid down beside him and rested against his chest. God he loved this woman. She nuzzled into him sated.

  She looked up at him. “I miss you Jordan. I miss this. Where did you go?” Tears formed in her eyes and spilled down her cheeks. His heart broke then. It was a rare think to see Megan cry, she was an extremely strong, extremely proud woman and crying wasn’t something she did easily or for no good reason.

  “I’m sorry; I let…work get in the way. I shouldn’t have. I thought the promotion was what was best for us, but maybe it wasn’t, maybe I should have kept you with me.”

  After all had he never met Julie he would never have been in this situation? He would not have betrayed his wife; hiring Julie had been a mistake.

  “I need to know the truth; I need to know what has been going on between you and Julie. I know it’s been something.” She was crying now and he didn’t know what to do. He was speechless and didn’t know whether he should confess or not. If he told her everything it would be over between him and Julie and possibly over between him and Megan. He would lose everything. But on the other hand maybe she would forgive him and they could just move on. Jordan was torn as he looked into his wife’s broken face. She looked so sad he hated what he had done.