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The Billionaire's Virgin Secretary #1: Secrets Page 3

  When he slid inside her he made sure to be gentle. She was wet and warm around him and it drove him wild. He gently rocked into her until he filled her pussy completely. She moaned in delight and he rode her gently at first kissing her face and talking to her softly. When he knew she was alright, he pumped her a little faster until she was crying out his name. It sounded just the way he imagined it. She was so incredibly hot that just the act of fucking her made him horny to fuck her again. He fucked her a little harder mostly because he was losing all sense of reason being inside her warm pussy while she screamed his name. She exploded around his cock as he rode her hard and he spilled into her soon after.

  He lay on top of her for a moment breathing in her sweet perfume. He lifted his head and kissed her deeply. He gently kissed her face, her throat and her neck, trickling kisses all the way to her chest.

  “How are you doing Julie?”

  She smiled. “That was very good. Just the way I imagined it would be.”

  He sat up and exited her gently and began to clean himself off. He looked at the time. “Well we are definitely late.” He laughed but literally had no care in the world about a speech. Julie had felt incredible and he wouldn’t have missed fucking her for anything. He was tempted to go at her a second time just to feel inside her again. She was so moist and tight. It drove him nuts just thinking about it.

  Julie sat up and started straightening out her dress. She was so hot that he continued contemplating giving it to her a second time but he knew they didn’t have time for that. Someone, probably his wife would come looking for him soon if he didn’t get down there. He had missed Mark’s speech and he was hoping Megan hadn’t noticed. He couldn’t believe what had happened, hadn’t he just had a talk with himself about being the model husband? He had never cheated on Megan before, what made him do it now?

  He helped Julie zip up her dress and he gave her a little tap on the backside. She grinned as she finished getting ready. She reapplied her lipstick and he hoped her lips wouldn’t look so red by the time they got downstairs to the party. She looked like she had just been fucked no matter how hard she tried to straighten herself out. He liked that look. He couldn’t believe the power this girl had over him.

  “We should probably go,” she said.

  He nodded and kissed her on the cheek. “I’m going to go ahead, wait 5 minutes and then come after me.” She nodded back. He kissed her deeply taking her tongue and sucking on it. They made out like that for about 30 seconds and he wished he didn’t have to stop.

  He left the room feeling happy and satisfied.

  When he walked into the banquet hall that was most of the first floor of the Franklyn Building he couldn’t believe how many people were there. He threw one hell of a party as usual. Between his employees, clients and their significant others the soiree was a big one. He set down the awards on a side table and tried to clear his head. It was hard, however since his mind kept replaying his cock pounding away at Julie’s wet pussy.

  Wow, that was amazing. How am I ever going to concentrate on anything again?

  “Where the hell have you been?”

  Startled he turned to find Megan behind him. Oh shit, of course she noticed his absence they were sitting at the same table after all. Julie was making his stupid. “Honey, you look ravishing! Is that dress new? Isn’t this some party?”

  “Jordan, you missed Mark’s speech, how could you miss your own keynote speaker? He’s been looking for you to have a drink with him. He thinks you heard the speech you idiot, and wants your opinion on it, now where have you been?”

  He hugged her and breathed her in. “I ran late darling, I had to get ready at the office, it just took longer than I thought it would. Mark will forgive me after a few shots of Pitrone.”

  “What are you wearing, is that perfume?”

  He cursed himself for being so stupid. Why did he hug her, he probably smelt like a brothel right about then. You don’t fuck a girl and then go home to your wife without showering first. But it’s not like he had experience doing such things.

  “I don’t think it is. I’m wearing my usual musk darling. Just the way you like it.”

  Just then Julie walked in the room looking, well, like she had just been fucked on her boss’s desk. Megan didn’t say a word but glared in Julie’s direction. Julie caught her eye and quickly looked away. She avoided bringing the awards over and made a beeline for the bar. Oh shit. Maybe he should have worked on the game plan better because things seemed to being going downhill very quickly.

  Megan turned to look at him again. He smiled at her and hoped he didn’t look nervous. He kissed her on top of her head and said,

  “Let’s go find Mark shall we?”

  The rest of the night flew by in a blur. Jordan proceeded to drown himself in a large quantity of booze to hide his nervousness. He was quite literally scared to death that his wife knew or even suspected his betrayal. Although she stopped giving him dirty looks all night, she didn’t say much either. He chalked it up to the fact that they both had duties to entertain their guests and didn’t need to worry about one another. But he felt like that reasoning was a little too convenient.

  He avoided Julie like the plague which probably wasn’t the nicest thing to do considering he just took her virginity. But, all things considered, she would have to forgive him so that he wasn’t murdered by Megan.

  He accidently ran into her at the bar and wasn’t sure what to say. It looked like she had the same idea about getting bombed as he did. He had caught her talking to Jeff a few times and the look on Jeff’s face caused no small amount of jealousy for Jordan. He couldn’t exactly go over and tell Jeff to keep his hands off her or anything. He literally had his hands full now. The last thing he wanted to have to worry about was whether or not Jeff was going to try to taste goods that he considered to be his.

  “I’m sorry Julie, we will talk later ok, but we may have raised some red flags, so I have to play things cool right now.”

  “I understand,” she whispered and the sound of her sad voice almost broke his heart. He was about to say more when he saw Megan looking over at them. She looked pissed.

  He ordered two drinks and walked away from Julie. That was the last time he saw Julie that night.


  Chapter 9

  When Julie got home that night she collapsed on her bed and stared at the ceiling. Her mother had picked her up from the party at midnight. She had to work early in the morning so Julie had to come home early. She didn’t really mind though. After what had happened between her and Jordan it was probably best she make herself scarce for a few days. Thank God she had the next few days off from work; it would allow things to cool down. Megan had been circling the party like a shark and Julie made sure she was never alone for fear of a confrontation. She wasn’t positive that Megan knew anything but the fact that Jordan’s wife appeared particularly angry at the party might be a clear indication. She didn’t know what kind of woman Megan really was, but she clearly wasn’t doing a good job if Jordan just slept with her in his office.

  She still couldn’t believe it happened. What did a successful handsome man like Jordan see in a country girl like herself? She didn’t have a thing going for her and yet he saw her and chose her. She imagined living in that big house with Jordan as her husband instead of living in the small apartment with her mom. Maybe she was getting ahead of herself; Jordan probably just wanted to sleep with her like every other guy who liked big breasts. But she didn’t think so, he treated her differently and Julie believed that he genuinely cared for her.

  She just knew if she played her cards right she would be his wife one day. Julie wasn’t sure what she was going to do about the situation but she knew one thing for certain she was going to do everything in her power to make sure he didn’t get away. Guys like Jordan didn’t come along every day and she was determined to have him.

  She lay there for a while thinking about the things he had done to her and how good it
felt for him to be inside her. She wanted him again and wished he was in bed with her.

  Julie fell asleep with visions of Jordan above her kissing her softly on the lips as he made love to her.


  Jordan awoke the next day with a raging headache. Whoa, way too many tequila shots for this boy. He rolled over in the bed to find the other side of the bed was vacant. He had the distinct impression that he slept alone that night. Where was Megan? He climbed out of bed and slipped into the bathroom. He rummaged through the medicine cabinet until he found some Tylenol and then he took three. He needed to get out to the kitchen to make himself some coffee. That typically did the number and got him back on the road to feeling better. He pulled on some shorts and stumbled out to the kitchen. That was where he found the beautiful Megan standing in the kitchen in a bathrobe looking impeccable despite the late night out they had.

  “Good morning Beautiful. Where did you sleep last night?”

  “I slept on the couch.”

  “Now why would you do a thing like that?”

  “Well I believe my husband behaved like a pig last night so I had no interest in sleeping beside him.”

  Jordan looked up from his drink and tried to read the look in her eyes. She couldn’t possibly know suspect, maybe but that was it. And why even suspect? He had never been unfaithful to her before.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Dare I ask why you smelt like the secretary last night. It would certainly explain why you missed the speech last night.”

  Jordan sighed deeply. “Darling, I explained why I missed the speech last night and it had nothing to do with Julie.”

  “And the perfume?”

  “Julie was excited about the party; the girl doesn’t get out much. She hugged me that was it. She must have rubbed some of her perfume on me.”

  “She hugged you? That was it?”

  “Megan, your distrust in me is shocking. I’ve never given you reason to distrust me before. I know a lot has changed in the past few months but I don’t feel like I deserve this.”

  He saw her soften a bit and almost sighed with relief.

  “I would like you to fire the girl.” Oh boy, that is the last thing I want to do.

  “What? You can’t be serious?”

  “Oh but I am. I don’t like her and I am now uncomfortable in her presence.”

  Jordan was starting to get angry. He didn’t like being questioned and after what happened between him and Julie last night he had no intention of firing her. He wanted to fuck her a few more times at least before anything like that had to happen.

  “Megan for God’s sake stop being ridiculous. It’s Christmas, I am not firing the girl at Christmas. She has done nothing wrong aside from being attractive. We wouldn’t even be having this conversation if Julie was plump.”

  “Well that would depend on if my husband showed up wearing her perfume.”

  “I’m not firing her and that’s final. Julie has even expressed interest in moving up into a managerial position in the future.”

  Megan laughed unkindly, “You must be joking.”

  They stared at one another until Megan angrily left the room to get changed. Jordan covered his face in his hands and wondered how he managed to get himself in that mess. As much as he wanted to continue to fuck Julie it was probably more trouble than he needed at the moment. He would have to get himself out of the situation. He wasn’t about to fire Julie but he would have to tell her that what happened between them could never happen again.

  Chapter 11

  When Monday rolled around and everyone returned to work Jordan found himself at his desk trying to get things rolling for the New Year. Megan was gone out of town again and wouldn’t be returning until after January. They made love before she left. Sleeping with his wife felt a tad odd after being inside another woman. He had done something very wrong, but he could still fix it and go back to being the husband she adored.

  He was looking through some new prospective client files when Julie walked in. She looked fresh and beautiful and he had to wonder if everything in her closet would show off her body perfectly. She was wearing a cleavage bearing pink sweater paired with a black skirt that hugged her ass nicely. She smiled shyly as she approached his desk. He got up to greet her with a hug.

  “Hey how are you? I wish I could have called you the next day but things were kind of awkward at home.”

  She nodded understanding. “I was kind of sore…down there.” She blushed a deep red and he felt a stirring in his pants. He walked over to close his office door. He didn’t want anyone to overhear their conversation and he wasn’t sure how she was going to react when he broke the news to her.

  “Julie we need to talk. I just want you to know I’ve never done anything like that before. Megan is the only woman I’ve been with since we got married. I don’t cheat, I never have before.”

  “I know. I’m special.” She smiled brightly and it hurt him to see it.

  “Yes you certainly are.”

  She walked over to him and kissed him, her tongue sliding gently into his mouth and touching his tongue. Electricity hit him and he started to feel warm all over. Oh God, what was with this girl?

  He stopped her. “Sweetheart, this is exactly what I wanted to talk to you about. The other night was fantastic, so much so that I planned on touching you every chance I got.”

  She smiled again her eyes watching Jordan intensely. “I would like you to touch me.”

  He groaned inwardly. “But the truth is I was way too careless that night and it caused a huge fight between Megan and me. It’s ok now,” he said once Julie looked nervous, “but the fact is she was suspicious and I just don’t think I can risk her getting suspicious again. I don’t want her to get hurt from this.”

  Julie was silent for a moment and Jordan couldn’t really read her. He wasn’t sure what she was thinking or whether or not she was going to lose it right there in his office.

  “You don’t mean that. I felt you that night, it wasn’t just sex.” Her eyes pleaded with him. He shook his head.

  “No it wasn’t, but Julie I can’t. It’s too risky.”

  She moved closer to him and rubbed the front of his pants pressing her hand against his cock. She grinded hard against him, and Jordan felt himself growing hard. She could make him rock hard so easily.

  “I was wondering if we could try something new.”

  “New?” He was a little taken aback by the fact that she seemed to be ignoring everything he just said. Was she ok with them ending things but still wanted him to fuck her one last time? Or was she ignoring him completely?

  Julie walked over to his desk and bent over slightly. He could see the bottom of her ass cheeks and he could bet money she was not wearing panties. And just like that he was hard as a rock.

  “I don’t even need to undress. It will be nice and easy.” She bent over his desk completely presenting her ass in the air for him.

  Oh dear God, she wants me to fuck her from behind. He could have cried at that moment. Her firm ass was there for him to take and he wanted to slip in from behind nice and deep. She was so perfect for him. He couldn’t take it, he want to pound her hard from behind and make her say his name again.

  “Julie no, we can’t.” He wanted to try to get her to stop as he was no longer sure he could. She turned around and lifted her shirt over her head and tossed it aside. Her breasts were full and snug within her bra. She released them from the bra and they hung perky and round before him. Her breasts nice and round, waiting there for him to suck on. He lost all control and went to her. He was going to give her exactly what she wanted. He was going to fuck her good. He squeezed her breasts, his mouth finding her nipple and sucking on it hard. She released a soft cry and he nipped her with his teeth. Her sucked on her breast while his fingers found her opening.

  He loved how she was always ready for him, her pussy wet with need for him. He plunged a finger inside her and fucked her gently whil
e she moaned in his arms. He lifted her up and set her atop his desk. She lay back onto the wooden desk and spread her legs. Seeing her spread out like that before him made Jordan want to fuck her right then, but he had something better in mind. He pulled his office chair around and set it before her. He sat down and bent forward placing his lips on her clit. She gasped in surprise. He licked her like she was ice cream and plunged his tongue inside her. He ached to fuck her but needed to taste inside her and lick her all over. He then pulled her up to him and she hopped off the desk. Leaning forward against the desk with her firm ass high in the air, Jordan slid inside her warm pussy and felt the deepness of her. He groaned with pleasure. She felt amazing and he doubted he would ever tire of being inside her. He couldn’t believe how incredible she felt.

  “Harder Jordan please.”

  That was all it took. Despite this only being her second time, he pumped into every inch of her. She would be sore tomorrow, he would guarantee that much. He fucked her hard, listening to her call out his name. He shushed her, hoping no one was close enough to his door to hear anything. Though at that moment he wouldn’t have stopped fucking her for anything. He pumped her harder while he reached over and rubbed her clit. She was so wet that her fingers slide over her pussy very easily. He bent forward and kissed her shoulder, nipping it gently. He fondled her breasts from underneath. He could feel her tightening around him and he knew she was going to cum again. He pumped faster and she muffled her cries of pleasure against her palms.

  Oh she was good, really good. Her orgasm broke through and she whimpered as she finished. He continued to pump her hard until he came as well.

  He rubbed her ass while he was still inside her. She was truly a gift to him, he couldn’t get enough of her and he honestly doubted he would be able to say no to her. He slid out of her and patted her behind for good measure. They cleaned up in silence and once dressed she smiled seductively at him and set about to work like it had never happened.