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The Billionaire's Virgin Secretary #1: Secrets Page 2

  Jordan was sitting at his desk, and looking at his computer screen when Julie walked into the room. She was wearing a fitted skirt to her knees with a blouse that showed enough of her cleavage to make him do a double take. She carried in coffee and set it down on his desk. He caught a glimpse of her full breasts and he had a hard time looking away. He willed himself to break contact and pick up his coffee cup.

  “Thank you Julie, how are things going for you today.”

  “Umm…I love my job.” She giggled.

  “Really? You’re not stressed out at all?”

  “No, of course not. I used to be a waitress Mr. Bass, working for you is like a dream come true.”

  She blinked adoringly at him and it made him slightly uncomfortable.

  “Oh, well, I’m glad to hear that.”

  “You don’t need to worry about me becoming stressed. Nothing is more stressful than the life of a waitress. I was on cloud 9 when I told my boss I wasn’t returning to work, not to mention my mom thinks of you as my savior.” She giggled again looking at her feet.

  “You look quite nice today Julie, I do like that…skirt you are wearing.” He couldn’t help but give her another look. He heard a rustling behind him and turned to find his wife standing in the doorway.

  Megan walked into his office and stopped rather abruptly when she saw Julie. Jordan was surprised, as he had never seen her respond to another woman in that way. She was the ultra-confident female and she rarely took notice of other women around her. She took one look at Julie who couldn’t even meet her in the eyes. She then gave Jordan a look. He knew exactly what the look was for.

  He was hoping however to appeal to Megan’s compassionate side, and maybe she would forgive him for hiring someone that looked like Julie. In the meantime he was going to distract her from the obvious.

  “Hello darling, you are looking lovely. How has your travels been?”

  “Marvelous Jordan I couldn’t be happier. Why don’t you introduce me to your friend?”

  Well that clearly hadn’t worked. What did that distraction last about five seconds?

  “Friend? No, darling, this is Julie she is the gal who has filled your old position. She is the new secretary and you will be happy to hear that she is doing quite a good job in your absence.”

  “This is my replacement? Really?” Genuinely surprised, Megan approached Julie and held out her hand to have Julie shake it. She stared Julie directly in the eyes while Julie looked everywhere but at his wife.

  “Hello Mrs. Bass, your husband is wonderful. I mean…Mr.Bass has been a very kind boss.”

  “I’m sure he has.” She dismissed Julie just like that and turned her attention back at her husband. She went around his desk to meet him as he stood. He kissed her on the mouth deeply having missed his wife. He had every intention of showing her how much he missed her when he got home tonight. He tapped her bottom playfully and gave her a kiss. She smiled.

  “I have to go Jordan. I will see you tonight.” She walked towards the door, not bothering to say goodbye to Julie.

  “I’m looking forward to it. I will see you for dinner honey.”


  Chapter 6

  Jordan sat at the dinner table with his wife, and knew it was coming.

  “I just don’t understand why you hired her that’s all.”

  “Meg please, we have been over this a million times. I did not hire the girl because of her looks. You have nothing to worry about.”

  “Oh of course not Jordan, that’s why you hired a waitress to help run the company.”

  “Megan, she isn’t helping to run the company. That is your job. Julie’s job is to get me coffee and answer the phone. And correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think she needs a PHD to do that.”

  Megan was silent for longer than he would have preferred. He knew she wasn’t going to like what he did.

  He reached across the dinner table and grabbed his wife’s hand. “Honey, she gave me a sob story and started crying in my office. I felt like giving her a chance, she seemed to really need it. To be honest I was afraid she was going to go home and commit suicide if I didn’t.”

  “I find it hard to believe if a man came in for an interview and then proceeded to cry, that you would have given him a job. My bet is you would have sent him packing with some advice on where to buy a set of balls.”

  Jordan chuckled. “Megan, it wasn’t the most normal interview I admit that, and maybe I shouldn’t have hired her. The fact of the matter is that she is an extremely hard worker and whether she is qualified or not she is capable of doing this job. So problem solved.”

  Megan rolled her eyes and picked at her dinner, unimpressed with Jordan’s speech. He really hoped this conversation wasn’t going to ruin their night. He wanted nothing more than to get her home and make love to her.

  “Now if you don’t mind I would like to drop the subject and enjoy dinner with you, I haven’t seen you in weeks and I miss you.”

  He earned a smile and thought about what it would be like to bend her over the table right then and there.

  “Let’s skip dessert and go home for some instead.” She glowed with approval.

  That night Jordan lay in bed after making love to his wife. She had felt incredible and he had certainly missed her thin little body underneath him. He had purchased some new lingerie for her and laid it out on the bed for when they had returned for dinner. She certainly enjoyed the gesture. He had watched her put it on and could barely contain himself before he climbed on top of her and fucked her like he hadn’t seen her in two weeks. He curled up against Megan feeling her breasts through her nightgown, loving the feel of her body against his. He was certainly a lucky man and he thanked the heavens he found someone like Megan. The fact that this beautiful girl allowed him in her life and gave herself selflessly was a blessing in his life. She murmured in her sleep when he touched her and he nuzzled in closer to her, kissing her shoulder.

  Now lying there he found he couldn’t sleep. He had Julie on his mind. He hoped he had made the right decision and that Megan would get over it. He didn’t want her to have to worry about another woman, she was too special. There was no doubt Julie was a hot little secretary, but he knew deep down that wasn’t why he hired her. Right? Of course not.


  Chapter 7

  The next two weeks were crazy. Christmas and New Years were right around the corner and the office was busy as usual. They always had an office Christmas party, and it was the biggest event of the year. No expense was spared, and he usually picked a keynote speaker that he felt would inspire his employees to excel in their positions. This year it would be his good friend Mark Cano. With the popularity of his new TV show, he was more noted than ever. Jordan and Mark had gone to school together and Mark insisted on being a part of the festivities. He hadn’t seen his friend in a while and was looking forward to the speech and getting drunk with him afterwards. Jordan felt like he had the best team surrounding him, and always gave them holiday bonuses. It was important to Jordan that the people in his life were always well taken care of, even his employees. What was the point in being wealthy if he kept it all to himself?

  Megan had been out of town for a week now and wouldn’t be returning until the Christmas party. He actually preferred that she was away during this busy time, because he would really have no time for her.

  Jordan was going to give Julie her bonus today like the rest of the employees. He usually left it up to Jeff to handle such things, but he felt like he wanted to give Julie hers personally mainly because he liked her so much. She was a great employee and he didn’t know how he would have survived the past month without her. He was crunching numbers when she walked in his office that morning. His jaw almost dropped when he saw her. She was wearing a tight sweater that draped off one shoulder and even tighter white linen pants that showed off her firm ass. He was sure she wasn’t wearing underwear as he couldn’t see any panty lines. The thought of whether or not she
had been bent over an article of furniture before quickly flitted through his mind. She is so hot!

  “Good morning Julie, you look lovely today.” She was more than lovely, she makes my cock hard. He tried to shake that thought from his mind. One minute he was thinking straight about her being a great employee and the next he thought of fucking her. He wasn’t quite sure what was wrong with him sometimes. She’s just so hot he couldn’t help himself.

  “Thank you Mr. Bass.” She looked down at her feet. What, is she blushing? Maybe she thinks about me too. I wonder if she has thought of fucking me too. Would she like it if I spread her legs for her and fucked her good? He wondered what it would be like to hear her scream his name.

  Jordan needed to get a grip on himself. She was his employee. The thought probably never crossed her mind. Not that it would have mattered if it did, as he was a professional and a married one at that. He loved his wife after all and would never want to hurt her.

  “Hey, I have something for you.”

  “For me?” She smiled and he was sure her blush deepened. She wants me, she wants my cock. Oh boy Jordan, get a hold of yourself. Those pants she is wearing are killing me.

  He cleared his throat. “Yes, of course, everyone here gets a Christmas bonus and I know you haven’t been here very long but you’ve done such a great job. You’ve been a life saver.”

  She beamed before him and he found the fact that she had a hard time accepting praise so endearing. She didn’t expect a kind thing from him. She just did things selflessly never expecting anything in return; she was a lot like Megan in that way. There weren’t too many girls like that.

  He passed over the envelope to her and watched her open it. He was amazed to see her eyes well up with tears. They spilled down her cheeks. She wiped at them quickly trying to compose herself.

  “Is everything ok, is it not enough Julie?” He felt like an idiot, people didn’t normally cry when they received bonuses from him. He wasn’t quite sure what to do with himself.

  “Oh wow Mr. Bass, this is amazing, I don’t know how to thank you. It’s just too much, are you sure you want to give me this?”

  She’s incredible. Just watching her was making him hard all over again. He wasn’t going to be able to leave his chair anytime soon.

  “Julie you earned it. I’m very pleased with you. Please accept it. You can buy something pretty to wear at the Christmas party.”

  She smiled again and turned on her heel, leaving him to watch her ass move out of his view.

  Jordan couldn’t think straight the whole day. If Julie had the hots for him he was going be in trouble. Megan was sure to have a complete fit if she so much as sniffed a crush going on in the girls head. He couldn’t deny it though, the thought of Julie having a crush on him made him horny. Maybe he should enforce a stricter dress code for the office to prevent her from dressing so sexy around him. He couldn’t continue to get excited around her every time she walked in the room. He wasn’t quite sure what was wrong with him anyways, it’s not like he wasn’t around pretty girls all the time. Half of his office was filled with beautiful women and they did not affect him the way Julie did. There was just something about her that made him want to take care of her. She was so mysterious and innocent.

  Her body made him want to fuck her in various positions, and he shouldn’t be thinking about the fact that she just might let him. That was the worst part. At least before, he could avoid his own temptations if she was uninterested in him. But it intrigued him to think she might let him do dirty things to her. He hadn’t been able to fuck someone from behind since he had been with Megan and the thought of bending Julie over drove him nuts.

  Just then his cellphone rang and he plucked it up to see who was calling. Megan. What was wrong with him? He had a beautiful wife at home that was crazy about him. They had a passionate sex life so why was he thinking about the secretary with the nice rack?

  He slid on the icon to answer his wife’s call. “Hey darling, how is your day going?”

  He listened as she vented about the frustrations of a client who she felt had ridiculous demands. He laughed along with her, remembering why he fell in love with her. She really was brilliant and he missed having her in the office. He vowed to control his thoughts and be the husband that she trusted him to be.


  Chapter 8

  The night of the Christmas party the office was bustling and busy as usual. He decided to get ready at the office because he was running late. Megan was tending to Jordan’s friend Mark. She was getting him ready to speak in 15 minutes. He really needed to hurry and get down to the banquet hall on the first floor of the building. He shouldn’t be late for his friend’s speech.

  He had sent Julie home a few hours ago to allow her to get ready for the party but he was expecting her shortly to help him. He was just finishing up with his tie when she walked in the room.

  “Wow Julie. You look great.”

  She was dressed in a scarlet red mini dress with her blonde hair curled and cascading around her shoulder. She was a complete knockout.

  “Thank you Jordan. You look quite handsome yourself.”

  He had finally convinced her to start calling him Jordan instead of Mr. Bass since they worked so closely together. They had grown extremely close lately, as he had her working late to prepare for the Christmas party. There were a few nights where they talked the whole night while they worked, mostly about her childhood and her home life. He hadn’t realized how difficult and often depressing her life had been before she began working there. It was no wonder she started crying during her job interview. She had been living in close to poverty for years, a life that he knew nothing about. He couldn’t imagine her growing up the way she had, and he yearned for a better life for her. Working for him was certainly a great start.

  “In all the times we’ve talked you never once mentioned a boyfriend. Is there someone who gets to look at you like this all the time?”

  She looked down at her shoes, sparkly silver heels adorned some pretty little feet.

  “I’ve never mentioned anything like that because I thought it would be unprofessional to discuss things like that at work. You never talk about Megan.”

  He ignored the mention of Megan. He did not want to talk about Megan. “Does that mean you have a boyfriend?”

  “Jordan…I don’t know if we should be talking like this.”

  “It’s ok, we are both officially off the clock and ready to celebrate the season. We can talk about whatever we want, just like friends do.”

  She looked up into his eyes and he just lost himself in the big blue pools. My God she is beautiful.

  “No Jordan I don’t have a boyfriend.”

  He brushed the hair out of her face and stepped just an inch closer officially invading her personal space. His heart was beating madly and he couldn’t believe how reckless he was being. But she was like a shot of heroin he needed to have right then.

  “Would it shock you if I told you that I have wanted you since the moment I saw you wet in my office, water dripping from your hair. I thought you were the prettiest thing that ever walked through my door.”

  “Yes it would. But I feel the same way.”

  Her words excited him and he knew right then he was going to kiss those full lips, he was going to make them swollen from his mouth. He needed to taste her.

  She locked eyes with him, and he knew she felt the same burning desire for him as he felt for her. Jordan kissed her slowly, and he felt an urgency to be inside her. He wanted her so bad. His hands found her breasts ad he squeezed them hard enough to let her know what was coming. She moaned a guttural noise that told him she needed him to. His arms encircled her and fumbled at the zipper on the back of her dress.

  “Jordan stop. We can’t. Mark is speaking in minutes, we have to go. Someone will come looking for us.”

  “Julie I don’t care who is speaking where. I want you so badly and if I don’t have you I might lose my mind.”
  She looked so nervous and he kissed her mouth gently coaxing her back to him. She moaned again as he started drawing the zipper down on her dress.

  “Jordan stop, I can’t. It’s just, well I want to but I’m a virgin. I’ve never done this before.” He stopped and looked her in the eyes, those innocent eyes and he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Would it be wrong to continue on? He cared for her, there was no doubt. He kissed her mouth again, his erection growing.

  “It’s ok beautiful I will be gentle. You are going to feel so good in a minute I promise you. I’m going to fuck you really good baby.”

  He forgot about the zipper as he wanted to feel her pussy more than ever now. The fact that she wanted to give herself to him for the first time made his cock throb. He picked her up in his arms and carried her over to his desk. He swiped everything on to the floor not caring how cliché it seemed. He was going to fuck his secretary right on his desk. He pushed up the skirt of her dress and slipped his hand between her legs. No panties. Julie, you naughty little girl. He rubbed her clit gently moving his thumb in a circular pattern, gently at first and then harder. She moaned softly.

  “Oh Jordan!”

  “I’m going to make you feel really good Julie.”

  All she could do was moan when he slid a finger into her already wet pussy. She’s ready for me. He finger fucked her, and felt her pussy get wetter around his finger. He couldn’t take it anymore and when he heard her whisper, “More.” he planned on giving her much more.

  He slid his finger out and started undoing his pants. He dropped them to his ankles but didn’t bother to get out of them. She lay back on the desk and spread herself before him.